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Tuesday 12 April 2016

Temporary mobile setup

I have a temporary mobile setup for 2m/70cm in the car, although it's also impractical, so probably use it for repeaters, this consists of my Baofeng UV-5RC Plus, the battery eliminator I picked up from Blackpool on Sunday and the speaker mic I also picked up from Blackpool, the drawback is this setup can only produce 5 watts on 2 meters, maybe slightly less if antenna feedline losses are accounted for, the antenna does not look out of place on my current car and is roughly central on the roof.

I appear able to get into GB3IR from Northallerton using this setup but I have had no reports on how well this is working.

This setup is only temporary until I get the Yaesu FTM-100DE, though again restricted to 5 watts until I pass my intermediate, it is impractical as changing repeater or frequency can only be done at the handheld itself but it makes the best of a difficult situation, I could easily fit a cigarette lighter plug to the VV-898 but this cannot be permanently mounted in the car, the Baofeng handheld can clip on to something using its belt clip, I  can look at the options for the VV-898 another day though it needs reprogramming as it is used as a home rig.

I am happy to have a mobile setup even if it is just a stop gap

73 de M6RSQ

Sunday 10 April 2016

Blackpool Rally - post rally

As mentioned in my previous post I visited the Blackpool rally today at the Norbreck Castle Hotel, some changes from last time were I was able to park the car immediately in the main car park, I was also informed about bacon sandwiches on sale in the rally and me being a fan of the bacon sandwich soon sniffed these out and had a cup of tea with one, then onto the rally itself, the usual junk stalls, some of the well known traders, and, of course, the local clubs of the north west of England, and yet again I did not speak to any of them to find out what they were doing in the world of Amateur radio.

I did not leave the rally empty handed either, this time I left with two rolls of self-amalgamating tape as I've been meaning to get some for quite some time, a wire dipole centre, a speaker-mic for my handhelds, and a battery eliminator for my Baofeng UV-5RC Plus so I can use it in the car (the antenna is on the car roof at the moment).

So, next year, a preliminary date is the 9th April so yes I am going

73 de M6RSQ