Note, For information only, I do not recommend or encourage modifying PMR446 radios, you do so at your own risk |
One of my own Binatone Action 950s has been put forward as the radio, the other one of the pair will remain unmodified
This is the radio in question, this radio will be modified to include a BNC socket and antenna, a power mod does exist but requires some SMD components as well as a switch or two solder pads bridging, the bridge has been made but the components are not present so the radio is still at 500mW
This is the same radio as above but with the antenna removed ready for a BNC socket to be fitted
This is the radio with it’s BNC socket installed, the bottom part of the antenna has been used to accommodate the BNC socket, the BNC socket cannot be soldered directly to the board, a small piece of wire had to be soldered between the centre pin of the BNC socket and the antenna connection on the board, the ground is soldered to a nearby solder pad that connects to ground, for stability the area around the socket will be filled with some epoxy, this should stop it moving about as although the BNC socket is a tight fit, it does move a little so this is recommended
This is the antenna I intend to fit to the radio, Nagoya NA-771, this antenna is a dual band antenna for the 2 metre and 70cm Amateur radio bands, and as the latter includes the allocation for PMR446 in the US (where PMR446 is not used) this antenna proves somewhat suitable
And here is the final result, the radio now has the new antenna fitted, and seems to work fine and has survived it’s operation
Now to see how good it really is