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Tuesday 23 December 2014

Possible mobile CB installation and a PMR446 gateway update

With me not being at the club this week (simply because two weeks after the last club night will be Christmas Day) this post will be on PMR and CB instead.

Firstly, I have had the PMR446 gateway off air because the rig was showing some terrible power readings at the antenna socket leading me to suspect something has blown somewhere, though the radio is still transmitting, I intend to try and find a suitable replacement in the new year.

Mobile CB may once again become a possibility for me without having to do the scooter install (though I still plan to progress with that at some stage when I can find time to do so), as I am looking into getting a car in the new year, a cheap and used car that I'd not mind drilling a hole in the roof to install the antenna on a permanent basis, I already have the antenna and the rig (my Midland 78+ Multi B, there is NO WAY I am permanently installing my President Grant 2 in the car, that can be put on the antenna if I am parked on a hill doing some DX on SSB) yet not the antenna mount and a suitable coax lead with the correct plug for the mount, I may also need a PL259 to SO239 right-angle adaptor should space be tight, other bits I will need are a switch to isolate the rig, a Bosch type automotive relay to ensure the circuit is only switched on with the ignition, possibly a fuse though there is already one on the rig's power line on the live side which is pretty standard anyway, and an extension speaker though I could cobble one of those together out of some bits I have lying about which should save money there.

Planning will come when I actually have the car because all cars are different, planning has to be done so that the rig and microphone are not going to interfere with operation of the car and are not in an airbag deployment area, and that the power and antenna cables can be routed in such a way as they make it to their respective sources.

So to sum up, I should be able to get on the air on the road on CB, and have to do some repair work to the PMR446 gateway, hopefully there will be no difficulties there.

73 de 26CT730

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