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Wednesday 15 January 2020

Anderson Powerpole connectors, why they are a good idea

I did a YouTube video yesterday on why Anderson Powerpole connectors are a good idea, if you recall in June 2018 I escaped destroying my President Grant II by virtue of the fact that a protection diode was across the power connector and this blew the fuse and the radio was fine once that fuse was changed.

That radio actually has a cigar lighter plug on it as opposed to Powerpoles, I will be changing it later when I can get more of them, but the lesson learned was that I should always fit them to radios from the get-go, even my crude homemade bias-tee for QO-100 reception is equipped as such or at least will be if it is not already.

The video is here or it is attached below.

I strongly advise that if you don't use Anderson Powerpole already please start before you make a very expensive mistake, even if you solely operate 11-meters you should get your radio fitted as such.

73 de M0WNU/26CT730

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