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Friday 30 April 2021

A wee bit of an update

I haven't posted for a while and thought I best do, it's been very busy since the igate went on air, which is working great, however it came around the time I finished 7 months at my last job, about a month of unemployment later I found my way back to pizza delivering and have felt a little more inspired to do a bit more.

So I have started up a podcast and am up to episode 3, in the process of recording episode 4, this is called the Ham Radio & Pizza Podcast, which I discuss amateur and CB radio topics and in most episodes review and taste test a pizza, it makes sense as I am a pizza delivery driver and am partial to pizza, after Covid-19 I hope to expand the podcast a bit to include interviews.

I also have started a Patreon to help towards the running of my YouTube channel and the podcast, as I fund both out of my own money and also any radios I have bought in have all been reviewed using my own money, also it will help towards getting better filming and editing equipment so I can eventually migrate over to 4K filming, I currently use 1080p in my main videos however the short ones filmed on my Oppo A72 phone tend to be in 4K as Open Camera can see the resolutions for the onboard camera without resorting to a hack in the Open Camera options unlike my Samsung Galaxy S8 which only allows 4K from the native camera app.

Also during the time between my last post and this one I have had my first coronavirus vaccine and due my next one in 17 days as of today, the first one did make me feel bad for a few days so I am not looking forward to it and that may result in a slight slowdown in video and podcast output.

With the coronavirus situation in mind, as well as work commitments, I hope to attend the National Hamfest later in the year and also perhaps do a meet and greet with Patreon supporters and also fellow YouTube creators while at the event, of course the state of the pandemic and whether I am able to get holiday for the weekend of the Hamfest remains to be seen, I plan to wait until June before I make a firm decision as that will be when the Hamfest will also be decided.

So if you like my content on YouTube and/or my new podcast you're more than welcome to optionally become an official patron, the link to the Patreon page is here if you would like to do so, you don't have to be a patron, it's completely optional, and all funds from it will go back into the channel and the podcast, whether that is for radios for review or equipment involved in the production of videos for the channel and audio for the podcast.

Don't forget you can subscribe to my YouTube channel and also my podcast is being rolled out across the usual podcasting services so you can also listen and subscribe to that too.

73 de M0WNU/26CT730

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