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Friday, 4 March 2011

Welcome to my radio blog

Here I will share most, if not all, of my activities on the air on various bands (although at time of writing this is currently limited to CB radio and PMR446) and anything else that may be related to radio communications

Regulars to my personal blog will know that I plan to return to the CB airwaves with a new handle, Red Squirrel, replacing the handle I previously used

I have some plans over the coming months, one of which is very ambitious, I plan to take a PMR446 radio, and a handheld CB radio (with a good few batteries) to do some DX work from a tall building near where I live, I’ll post more on that nearer to the time

Whenever I carry a PMR446 with me it is generally tuned to 5 (446.05625 MHz) with CTCSS 5, though I will scan the whole band from time to time, on CB I generally listen to UK 19 (27.78125 MHz FM), though will, again periodically scan all 80 available channels.

I plan to, sometime later in the year all being well, take the Amateur foundation course which will open up more possibilities in the field of radio communications

More to come

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