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Sunday, 27 April 2014

VHF CB coming to the UK... maybe? hopefully

After doing a check to find out if AM/SSB has been legalised or not yet (that is in July still as has always been the case) I discovered that we may get a VHF CB allocation and the radio community are very keen on this idea.

From what I can tell, an idea being put forward is a block of 20 channels, and because VHF equipment already exists for Amateur use it could in theory be modified for use here, however Ofcom may stipulate a that equipment has to be type approved in line with other license-free radio such as the existing CB allocation on 27MHz or the PMR446 service should this be approved, hopefully if this is given the green light and approved, it means the more civilised and serious CB operators, including myself, have further channels to use, and the antenna lengths are more practical for mobile use, also VHF would be immune from the Russian taxi drivers that currently plague the 11m band.

I say UK operators push for this allocation, the frequencies are being made available so why not put this across to Ofcom before they give them to something else, I like the idea of a VHF allocation, shorter antennas and more suited to handhelds, the consultation document can be found here, as well as a means to respond, please do so, you will be helping make VHF CB a reality in the UK.

73 de 26CT730

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