- The cable between the PTT button and the radio was cut before a join in the cable that has 4 cables coming out of it, the PTT wires were then closed and taped over,
- The cut section was then prepared to go into a new section between the mic jack of the radio and the mic plug on the headset
- A new connection was made, this was built using some spare wire I had lying about, two new 2.5mm connections, one plug, one socket, the PTT switch disconnecting the tip of the 2.5mm socket when not pressed, and reconnecting it when the button is pressed
As a result, the Midland Alan 42 Multi handheld that will be the scooter CB now switches between transmit and receive correctly, this means I simply need to add the antenna, EGP, and a cable to connect them to the radio, and I'll be on the air on my scooter in no time, all in all I am impressed with what I have achieved, I can also swap out the current lead for a Kenwood-type for my Wouxun dual-band handheld in the future should I wish to use mobile on the scooter it once licensed on the amateur bands
I look forward to testing it out on a proper antenna.
73 de 26CT730
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