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Saturday, 27 January 2018

Summer radio activity planning

I know we're only into February but this is an ideal time to start planning for those summer radio expeditions.

It was suggested to myself by a colleague that I walk up a hill called Roseberry Topping, a very distinctive hill here in the North East of England, given it's height it would make it ideal for radio on most bands as it has views for miles, a YouTube video will be made when this takes place, but this being England you can never tell what the weather, even in summer, will be like.

I also learned that free camping is allowed up at Tan Hill, a favourite spot for the radio amateur and CBer alike, again because of the height above everything else, I may also partake in this and have a portable station on air on whatever bands I have equipment for on the day, again this is very weather dependent and of course a YouTube video of my activities will be made, though it may take a few days to get on YouTube.

All I need to do both these is a form of shelter and a suitable amount of batteries to run radios (for VHF and UHF I will take my VV898 as I want to keep my KT-8900 in the shack and it isn't much power hungry, 10 and 11 metres will depend on what I can manage battery wise, though Tan Hill may lend itself to a generator these may not go down well with others, and Roseberry Topping's summit is not accessible by road.

I also plan to take HTs along as well, always good, and if I can get someone to come along with me so I am not on my own (safety and such like) then that will be good.

CB will also be used as it is very much licence free and whoever accompanies me can be in contact with me without the need of a phone, looking at the radios I have for this band to do anything useful will require I use the Grant II, as it is the only type approved CB I own that has SSB.

Hopefully I will have a summer of radio that I would like

73 de 2E0EIJ

Edit: 14/02/18: I subsequently discovered that you actually have to pay £5 to the Tan Hill Inn in order to camp up there, hopefully my antenna won't be complained about but I can research other wild camping if needs be, though if you see my more recent posts you may note this will be on hold for a while

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