The DMR ID for gateway and repeater operators to blacklist, if this is even possible, is 3122805 if you value the safety of your gateway or repeater and Amateur radio operators worldwide, this comes as a massive blow because DMR reflectors and talkgroups can be crosslinked to Yaesu System Fusion, though I do use DMR myself and this means he could potentially send threatening and harassing messages over DMR as it supports a form of text messaging.
From what I can tell the contacts list in my DMR HT is not up to date from that point, however as I bought a radio for DMR that can record the second I hear a voice contact from him the second it gets recorded and then forwarded to the FCC to be dealt with, I can only summise the primary reason he got a DMR ID in the first place was to access the DMR network and harass me, obviously he won't be telling people that as he is a very sneaky conniving young man.
From what I can also tell is that because the DMR reflectors and talkgroupls I use are also accessible on YSF reflectors and FCS reflectors I can access from my Jumbospot through my two existing YSF radios, neither of which are able to record as far as I know however I am never far away from a computer or my mobile phone.
So why should we blacklist this young man from DMR? here's the list
- He never stays true to his word and stabs people in the back and makes false claims about them, he did this to me on the day I bought my FTM-400XDE
- He was monitored by the Sheriff's department in Savannah, GA over P25 radios which he openly admitted to misusing anyway and the FCC did nothing
- He planned to attack vulnerable WiFi routers using knowledge he gained from passing his Technician class exam
- He gave some very dangerous and illegal advice to a newly-licensed American Amateur radio operator on reddit
- He made false accusations about the "theft" of a picture from reddit that turned out to just be a click-bait ad that had been posted as a topic in reddit previously
- He received a network-wide (G-line) ban from IRC network Snoonet and to warrant that you have to seriously break the rules which of course he would have done given his background and history
I was hoping it would be some months before I would be posting about the single individual in our hobby that by rights should not be part of it, it sickens me that he is because his behaviour, attitude and history go contrary to what Amateur radio is all about, the sooner the FCC do revoke his license the better.
On closing he made a remark in ##hamradio on freenode on the 18th May speculating that a user there could have been an AI written by a University, considering his track record his speculations tend to become accusations pretty quickly.
I know that it will be a matter of time before the individual I refer to as the 'disgusting creature' will pass this on to him, however the stress caused to me will be low to nil unless of course I hear him on the air via CQ-UK or Hubnet as these are the primary places on DMR and YSF I monitor when not monitoring GB3IR or GB3HG.
73 de 2E0EIJ
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