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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Shack tidy up

I figured today I should have a little bit of a tidy up in the shack, this is for a few reasons.

First and foremost I will be getting the shackcam back online at some point soon, and if the shackcam is on I'd rather have a tidy shack than a messy one.

Secondly as I plan to do a short video of any new and interesting radios I get for publishing both on the blog and my radio communications website I would prefer the shack look reasonably tidy before any filming takes place

Thirdly, as the desk was getting extremely cluttered it was difficult to work which is not at all helpful, also some other things needed moving, it looks somewhat better now.

Due to issues with the CB gateway that still cannot be resolved (heavy CPU usage sending false audio indications to the Free Radio Network client, I am thinking of using that computer for the shack computer again and using my newer laptop for the CB gateway as it has unfortunately suffered damage rendering it's internal display inoperable, as it is currently at my work I will be retrieving it this week, and looking at how I could get it to work for this purpose, though the CB gateway may, in the end, remain on the existing machine, but I'll see what happens.

I'll keep you updated and I aim to get the shackcam working this week as well

73 de 26CT730

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