I have received notification that The Pi Hut have shipped the Raspberry Pi Zero W I ordered, this should be with me tomorrow or Thursday, I have found a micro SD card from an Internet radio receiver that I build out of an old DAB radio and a Raspberry Pi B V1 until the regulator failed, this card still works and is being flashed with the image, when the Pi Zero W arrives I should be able to insert this pre prepared card and boot it without the HAT to ensure connection to my WiFi network and, in the event of being out and about, connection to the WiFi hotspot in my phone, the HAT config can only be done once the HAT arrives.
The HAT is yet to be ordered, this should happen later this week if all goes according to plan, and though the Colburn and Richmondshire District Amateur Radio Society is doing a talk on System Fusion (of which myself will take part in) that may cover DMR and hotspots as well my own cheap hotspot may not be ready in time as it takes a while for items from China to reach the UK, though I still have my FTM-400 in the car for the talk.
I have also sourced a power cable for the Pi Zero W as I have a few cables lying around, where in the shack it will go I am not sure as yet though I can easily put the hotspot in the living room I'd rather it be in the shack.
I know the Pi Zero I use as an IRC bouncer draws very little even with a USB hub with onboard Ethernet plugged into it, switching out the LED status doesn't make a lot of difference and it is powered with a 700mA charger, as the Zero W has WiFi onboard it will draw more power, how much more shouldn't be too great as long as the signal to the WiFi is good.
more to come
73 de 2E0EIJ
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