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Thursday 5 July 2018

Activate All Counties: 4 years of legal SSB CB radio, the logs are out

The logs of each net that took place on 27th June are now out on the Charlie Tango DX website (link here), the event was a huge success and I am so glad that I was able to take part even if I had to use a radio other than that that was intended (which if you read was down to reverse polarity resulting in a blown fuse), the T2LT performed and got the signals in and out and got the job done, and for the first time since its issue my CT call is now in a log.

The event proves something very notable, CB is not dead, and if you don't fancy taking the Amateur radio exam immediately it is a great way to enter the radio hobby, AM and SSB are permitted on the midblock, all current CB radios on the market can do at least AM on the midblock if set correctly, and some can do SSB though these attract a slightly higher price, with the right conditions you can work stations as far away as America all without the formalities of a license, however CB is restricted to 12 watts PEP on SSB and 4 watts ERP on AM and FM.

I don't operate 11-meters often and this is the first time I've had any success in some years with it given conditions have been terrible, just a shame that it didn't get to YouTube but on the day I had some wonderful scenery to look at and a very famous pub across the road should I have fancied a (non-alcoholic) drink, though I was content with the water I had in the car.

Get yourself a CB radio, a fibreglass mast, some batteries, and watch Gary CTX104's video on YouTube for how to make a cheap portable T2LT antenna, then go up to a hill and start working those stations, it will be worth it and will give you a sense of satisfaction, then when you want to go further the Amateur radio licence awaits.

73 de 2E0EIJ/26CT730

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