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Saturday, 4 August 2018

The 2-meter FM Activity contest... it seems after such a long wait I can finally enter it

My rota for next week has me off work on Tuesday, and that Tuesday is the first Tuesday of the month, meaning I will be able to enter the 2-meter FM activity contest, for this due to not having an adequate filter for my two Chinese 2-meter FM radios I will have to use the Yaesu FTM-400XDE in the car, though to do this means I'll have to periodically run the car engine, antenna wise I will try out my homebrew dipole, however if this should fail to work I will resort to the antenna on the car, as I don't know if this dipole can safely handle close to 50 watts of RF (there will be feedline losses)

Operating position is intended to be the Whashton Road car park of the old racecourse in Richmond, my generator will be getting used to run the laptop for logging, headphones will be connected to the radio for listening though I will have a splitter in line as I hope to live stream to YouTube if possible, otherwise I will be filming it for YouTube.

The contest is only an hour long each month and I know full well now that I have no chance of winning however this is not a problem as my aim is to take part, not win, winning is just a bonus, and of course my rota will dictate if I am going to be taking part in further contests over the course of the year, hopefully yes.

Normally when I plan to enter this something bad happens or something gets in the way, here's hoping this does not happen.

73 de 2E0EIJ

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