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Wednesday 9 January 2019

Beginning the antenna experiments

Today I popped out briefly to get a bite to eat, I rewarded myself from fighting the cold I've had the last few days and completing the tidy up of my living room after the slowest progress on Earth by getting something to eat from the pizza shop I work at, where I will be going this evening, while I was out I called in at a discount store at the local shopping park and picked up a roll of steel wire, I know copper wire works, as it is logical, though most commercial antennas are made of steel or aluminium as it generally is cheaper, the wire I bought is galvanised so should not rust though corrosion around dissimilar metals may pose a problem.

I still have a square SO239, the last one I ever bought from Maplin since it disappeared last year, and this could be used, the band? 11-meters, I already have a T2LT for that band but it is so narrow banded it will not work at all on 10-meters and I am keen to experiment to see if the trusted T2LT can be beat on 11 with anything else and if a good antenna can be made to work on 11 and 10, though lacking an antenna analyser this means testing will take place in the FM portion of 10-meters for that band, 11-meter tests can take place on any of the 80 channels at present though I avoid testing on channel 9 on both sets of channels, the other part of 10-meter testing will reveal just how much power I'd be able to run through the antenna (up to legal limits) before it would fail, though on 10 I can legally run 50 watts and 11 it is 4 watts or 12 watts PEP on SSB.

So let the antenna experiments begin

73 de 2E0EIJ/26CT730

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