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Monday 7 January 2019

Team RoadCom-FS UK in the shack (and a stint on the road too)

The Team RoadCom-FS UK and other bits (a switch, a K-po linear amplifier and a combi SWR meter along with some very used antenna mounts and cables) arrived today and after visual inspection tests were then carried out on the radio and amplifier, the radio had an intact fuse, however the amplifier had a blown under rated fuse covered over with foil, a big no-no for electrical safety so a trip to the local auto parts store for a replacement fuse and a safe test could be carried out, the fuse did not blow, and the amp has only been tested for FM operation, not AM and SSB as yet, these tests, along with the radio on its own, were done into the dummy load, running the rig with the amp off though still in line gives the rig's legal output, so all is good.

The rig was put onto the antenna on the car for the run out to the auto parts place, and an opportunity was taken to test the SWR meter which is working just fine as well so now I once again have 3 SWR meters for CB/11 meters, though I will continue to use the Zetagi one as that can cover most of HF, but it is nice to have extras.

The rest of it, the antenna switch, cables and mounts will be given a proper once over at some point today, as noted above the coax cables were very used, some having been removed from vehicles, the magmount is indeed a Sirio magmount and appears to be an older one, there is a fixed body mount of PL259 type and an adaptor to 3/8" along with another 3/8" type mount (my orbitor is a 3/8" mounting antenna), the biggest surprise was a cable with two PL259s crimped on it and the cable marked as "low loss", but without knowing the specifics of this cable I would not know if it truly was low loss, the cable was intact for it's run, it's short but that shouldn't be a major issue.

So with the RF generating components tested, the SWR meter also tested that leaves me to test all these cables and recycle what I can.

73 de 2E0EIJ/26CT730

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